Welcome to Write the Docs Kenya.

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Hello We are glad to see you interested in taking an active role in transforming your career through the art of Writing.


As Write the Docs Kenya, we sincerely appreciate your interest in sharing your story through our blog.

The type of articles you can submit🔥

Write the Docs Kenya is a technical community for Writers, Authors, Editors, Content Creators, UX Writers etc. Therefore, our blog is built for technical articles. Technical articles in this sense include articles related to any technical field (web development, cybersecurity, UI/UX Design, mobile development, cloud computing, IoT, Research, Course Writing, among other tech fields).

The articles could include documentation on how to perform a certain action within the tech field, for example, how to contribute to open source, a beginners guide, differences between certain fields, the best IDE for a programming language, best learning platforms for a given field, a tech story on how you got started in your field, a research paper, et al.

⭐️ Who can submit an article?⭐️

Anyone can submit their article to our blog as long as it is technical and follows the guidelines indicated in this writeup.

How to Submit an article🤔

  • Fill in this Form. This will help us connect you to a reviewer and also publish articles on time scheduled.

  • After filling the form and your topic approved, You will be added to be a member of the Team's Hashnode blog site using your username or email.

  • In your Hashnode Blog site, click on Drafts in your blog dashboard. And Click 'Create New Draft' to start writing your draft.

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  • After writing your draft, Click on the top right corner Publish button.Screenshot from 2022-09-26 13-51-04.png

  • After clicking Publish, you will see Dropdown, on 'Select a blog', Choose wtdkenya.hashnode.dev.

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  • Once you select wtdkenya.hashnode.dev, You will see a blue button on your top right corner. 'Submit article'

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  • Once you submit the article, The draft will appear under Submissions in the blog dashboard. The maintainer, can view the draft, can edit and publish or Reject it. This is where editors can edit your draft and publish it to the blog site.

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Our Review Process

After submitting your story, we will review it to ensure that it meets our standards before we publish it in our blog. Some of the key milestones we will consider are:

  1. The story has not been published in any other blog.
  2. Your story is original, unique, and contains relevant ideas related to tech.
  3. It is well written and not promotional.

Please note: If you have already published your story in another blog or platform, it will be automatically rejected. We will only accept new and original writeups.

Read these guidelines carefully before you submit your story.